Friday, July 8, 2016

37 Weeks

Dates: June 29- July 5

Baby is the Size of a: bunch of swiss chard (approximate length and weight: 19 inches, 6 1/3 pounds)

How I'm Feeling: I'm feeling pretty good, actually. As of this week I'm no longer commuting to the office, which is awesome! I'm looking forward to not having to be on the metro for more than an hour each way. I'm excited to not have to sit in an office chair for hours on end. I'm excited to use my own bathroom a hundred times a day instead of the office one. So much to look forward to. Ha!

How I'm Changing: Now my hands are starting to swell too. Bummer. I think I might have to take my rings off just in case the swelling gets worse. At my 37 week check up though my doctor said she was surprised "how skinny my wrists and ankles were for someone so pregnant in July." What a strange, lovely compliment.

What I'm Eating: Would you believe that I'm still eating leftover cake from Zahara's birthday party? Well I am, and it is amazing.

What the Baby is Doing: I had my last physiotherapy appointment this week, and when saying good-bye, my therapist said that she's never seen a baby as active as mine. It's so funny how many people I've heard that same story from. This doesn't bode well for a restful first couple of months.

Read about my first pregnancy:
My Pregnancy
Week 37

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