Sunday, June 19, 2016

34 Weeks

Dates: June 8-14

Baby is the Size of a: cantaloupe (approximate length and weight: 18 inches, 4 3/4 pounds)

How I'm Feeling: Grumpy. This week has been really challenging. Zahara has not been feeling well, and now Dan and I have colds too. This has led to a week of extra whining, tantrums, and general energy-zapping interactions. On top of that, it's really hot out and I'm feeling extra tired. I just have no patience to deal with this at the moment, and it's really starting to get to me.

How I'm Changing: I still have swollen feet, which causes discomfort when I try and stand for any period of time. It's a good thing I'm kind of nearing the end (though it doesn't really feel like it at times).

What I'm Eating: Birthday cake! We had an early birthday celebration for Z this weekend and got a Costco sheet cake. If you haven't had a Costco cake before, you are missing out. It is perfect. We got the chocolate cake, which comes with chocolate icing, chocolate cake, and a chocolate mousse filling. Perfect for a chocoholic like me.

What the Baby is Doing: Baby is hiccuping pretty regularly, and stretching out as much as possible. I'm feeling his movements really low down, but he also gets nestled in my ribs sometimes.

Read about my first pregnancy:
My Pregnancy
Week 34

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