Monday, February 23, 2015

Snow Day!

This weekend we were treated to a big, fluffy snowstorm! This was the first big storm of the season for DC, though it paled in comparison to what our friends in Boston have been getting. Still, by midday we had several inches of snow and Zahara couldn't wait to explore. She literally dragged me by the hands yelling "snow!" and "outside!" The girl knows what she wants; who am I to stand in her way?

I thought she'd only last a few minutes outside, but she was having the time of her life. Even when she fell tush-first in the snow, she held out her arms for me to pick her back up, and on we went. We were ill-equipped for snow though. Our first outing was to our neighbor's house to borrow some boots (thanks Sarah and Kai!). The boots definitely helped, but her legs were practically frozen solid by the time we got back in. Our second trip out was to borrow a snowsuit from another neighbor (thanks Gary and Rebecca!). She was much warmer and drier after that.

This is the stuff memories are made of. We had so much fun out there. Sadly, all the snow melted by the next morning. Maybe it will snow again soon? I hope so!

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