Monday, January 13, 2014

Cookie Overload!

Though the holidays are over, I'm desperately trying to cling on to the cheer, which is why this past weekend I hosted a very small cookie exchange. Have you heard of these before? Apparently it is a uniquely American tradition. Here's how it works: each invitee baked a few dozen cookies to bring to the party. I then provided bags for everyone to take four of each type of cookie home. With seven attendees, it meant we each got 28 cookies (plus all the cookies we ate at the party!).

I made a knock-off Girl Scout Samoa. It was amazing! It's not the fastest cookie to make, but it is pretty easy and makes a bunch at once. Definitely give this recipe a go.

Like a good wife, I split my bounty with Dan. I put most of mine in the freezer so I can enjoy them over the next few months. Have you ever been to or hosted a cookie exchange? I don't want to wait until next December to do another one. Who's with me? Quarterly cookie exchange?

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