Saturday, February 23, 2013

Guest Post: View From On-High

I've been marinating on this blog post for a few days. Aside from the Northern Lights (save the best for last!) the rest of what I want to share about Iceland doesn't have a central theme.

On our last full day in Reykjavik, Blair and I went to Church at the Hallgrímskirkja (if the font looks different, it's because I copied-and-pasted it....these Icelandic names are killer). The building itself reminds me of a rocket ship.

The highlight was the view from the top. Since it was a beautiful, clear day, we could see all of Reykjavik below and the surrounding mountains.

It was a fantastic farewell to a city that we instantly loved upon arrival a few days earlier. After wandering through one last time, Blair and I made our way back to the Blue Lagoon for our final afternoon. What was hidden by darkness a few days earlier was fascinating! Not only were there lava fields, but green lava fields! It seems that lichen and moss have gotten a hold of the rock and give the illusion of rolling green hills.

The best part were the remaining hours we spent soaking in the warm waters of the Blue Lagoon.

Have I convinced you to book your next vacation in Iceland? No? My next post well sell you for sure!  Next time, the Northern Lights!

Thanks for sharing Chelsea! Catch up on Chelsea's other Iceland posts:
I Came From the Land of Ice and Snow
Off to a Warmer Climate
And be sure to check out her blog, Chelsea's Air Force Life.

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